Aqsa Aqeel

Frontend Developer

Frontend conneuseur with a love for design and building beautiful apps. Aqsa loves how code obeys everything she asks it for. When she is not coding, she is video editing or writing. Her self learning journey has also lead to learning to make the perfect scrambled eggs.


What do I do

Ever since a kid, I have been fascinated with websites design and engineering in general. And so growing up, I chose frontend development because it serves as a bridge of both these worlds.

I have spent the last year learning React and JavaScript and gathered a lot of frontend experience. So much so, that now I can transition to any kind of framwork easily. I have also worked as a frontend intern at a remote startup. This internship made me dive into the professional world of frontend and I learnt about how things work in the industry.


These are some of my personal projects that I built while learning to code. Hope you like it! I am currently working on another web app which is a gamified learning platform. This helps students learn programming languages through reinforcement learning by playing simple games. I am really proud of it and can not wait to share with you!


Video Library


Component Library


E-commerce Web App


Productivity Timer